Family History

Browse the early history of families who trace their roots back to Fosters Meadow.  Start by clicking the the menu icon at the upper right corner of this page to reveal the site navigation panel (it will look like the sample shown here to the right).  Successively click on the "+" signs to reveal alphabetic family categorizations and specific family surnames, including ...


Barb, Bauer, Boening, Christ, Dubon, Felten, Finn, Froehlich, Geiser, Germs, Goeller, Gunther, Hage, Hartmann, Herman, Herte, Hoeffner, Hoffman, Hummel, Jacobs, Kalb, Kappelmeier, Karkheck, Kiefer, Kiesel, Kraus, Kreischer, Krug, Krummenacker, March, Meier, Mirschel, Muller, Pflug, Raberding, Reisert, Richter, Ridder, Rottkamp, Ruhl, Sappelt, Schleider, Schmitt, Schroeher, Stattel, Stiehler, Vogel, Wich/Wicks/Wick, Wulforst, Zimmer and Zimmerman.



Family histories we are still searching for:


Albert, Batt, Becker (Baker), Brandenstein, Buck, Casper, Distelkamp, Fausner, Fiesel, Gattung, Hatt, Hauck, Imhoff, Joseph, Keller, Kinsey, Klein, Landgrebe, Lang, Makoske, Miller, Mosbach, Musgnug, Raisig, Rath, Reising, Reuter, Robrecht, Rose, Ryf, Schuck, Schmidt, Tepe, Vollkomer, Walter, Weil, Wenner, West, Wesnoske, Wils.



Please note:  The genealogical information provided on the website is the only information that we have available.  It is not our intentions to provide family trees. For information available to research your family please consult:, German Genealogical Group, and/or  We are seeking data in reference to the first and second generations of those who resided in Fosters Meadow - please contact us if you would like to contribute your German-American family legacy, traditions, and memories.